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"Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and God saved them from their distress."

Psalm 107:19


Prayer can be a grace-filled aid on your healing journey. It helps you to center when you are feeling overwhelmed by memories of abuse or by the stress of everyday triggers. It allows your body to relax so that your physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds may heal. Perhaps most importantly, it is a reminder that you are not on this journey alone. God is with you. 


Here is a helpful prayer practice for anytime of day:


If you have just a few moments, bring your attention to your body. Feel your feet on the ground. Notice your breath. In and out. Breathe from your belly. In...and out. Take time to breathe, knowing you don't have to rush. In...and out. Choose a prayer phrase that brings you comfort or affirms your healing such as "The Lord is my shepherd and holds me close" or "God is with me; I feel safe." Say this prayer phrase ten times as you breath. Pray the first line as you breathe in. Pray the second line as you breathe out. When you are done, take notice of any gentle shifts in your body. Do you feel a little more relaxed, focused, or peaceful? Thank God for being with you and close your prayer with an "Amen" or "Blessed be."

Monthly Reflection

January 2025

"As the sparrow finds a home
and the swallow a nest to settle her young,
My home is by your altars...."
-Psalm 84:4

As a new year begins, may you always know that no matter what happens this year, that you can always "come home" to yourself and God. Experiencing abuse can make you feel alienated from your own body and from the world around you, sometimes even distant from God. This year, consider how you might "come home" to yourself and to God in ways that feel safe.


Do you need to feel more rooted in your body? What practices may help you feel safe in your body? Perhaps practicing some deep breathing, or asking a trusted friend for a hug, or taking a bath.


Do you feel a need to come home to God or see God in a new way? How might you relate to God so that God feels safer to relate to, like a safe home? Consider relating to God as a friend or grandparent or counselor. Try out the new words or feelings the next time you pray.

God wants you to feel safe, as safe as a sweet sparrow in a warm nest. May it be so!

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Along the healing journey, consider talking with a trusted friend, family member, minister, or counselor. You are not alone. In moments of despair, remember to reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800.273.8255 or go to your nearest emergency room.

If you need other support, consider calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network, or other resources that can be found here.

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